Product Sample
We will contact seller and ask for product sample. Then we ship it to your address.
Product Audit
Our QC will examine and test the product, make one-page report with photo / short video.
Item Sourcing
Send us product specs & details and we provide 2-3 Factories for the product.
Factory Audit
Factory located within Guangdong Province only:
Our QC will visit one Factory and make 3-5 pages report covering:
A. Basic financial information, factory licenses, certifications
B. Observation of the production area and documentation
C. Factory’s quality system
Factory Audit
Factory outside Guangdong Province, within China:
Our QC will visit one Factory and make 3-5 pages report covering:
A. Basic financial information, factory licenses, certifications
B. Observation of the production area and documentation
C. Factory’s quality system
Custom Product
We will work closely with the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).
Your product is customized based on your specifications.
Detail your product specifications in your order, to quote the price.

For other specialized transactions, please send us an order thru Special Services Order. Simply select Other Services and add the details, requirements, and specifications to quote you the price. For more information, please contact us via Live Chat, WhatsApp: +860123456789,